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Single Member LLC Operating Agreement


An operating agreement is a key business document that shows your business operates like a LEGIT company.



I am a SINGLE MEMBER LLC, so is an operating agreement still necessary? The answer is, YES!

An operating agreement is a key business document that shows your business operates like a LEGIT company.

If you don’t have an operating agreement, your state’s default rules apply. And your state WILL decide how your company is operated, dissolved, inherited, owned, managed etc.

If you formed your LLC to get liability protection (protect your personal assets, such as your home and bank accounts, against people who sue your business for some reason), purchase our operating agreement template to make that liability protection secure. Don’t forget to sign AND date the agreement. This document is used for your company’s internal purposes only but may be required to open a business accounts. It may also be required by lenders/investors.


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